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Too Purpley

Too Purpley! by Jean Reidy

Too purpleyI wanted to try my best at #onebookaday with my daughter and we are doing better than expected!

Got to the library on Saturday and among the books we got her was one she really liked at her friend’s house and asked me for specifically: “Too Purpely!” by @jeanreidy My 3 year old is now reciting it by heart (telling me she can read the book!) after she heard it three times.  So her vocabulary in English increased by several words and I decided to do our old trick – let’s read this in Russian.

So I read it to her in Russian. This means I was trying to translate it on the fly as we were reading (come on there are barely any words in that book ( 49 English words to be exact), how hard can that be!). And … I got stuck! Had to go and check some words out.

So I decided to share it with you as it’s not quite as easy as it might seem for the parent and the end result was –  she learned a bunch of new words (hurray!). The words in the book are sometimes made up versions ( like “purpley” – such a form of the word purple does not really exist in English, but you will hear it from many kids!). In Russian I went the other way – I tried for all the words and expressions to be the correct way of saying it in Russian, she will get to play with them and mess them up on her own later:


Too Purpley

Слишком фиолетовое!Автор Джин РайдиИллюстрации Дженивьев Лелуп Too Purpley! By Jean Reidy Illustrated by Genevieve Leloup
Не эту одежду!! Not these clothes!
Слишком фиолетовое, Too purpley,
Слишком щекотное, Too tickly,
Слишком сморщенное, Too puckery,
Слишком колючее. Too prickly.
Слишком чешется, Too itchy,
Слишком царапается, Too scratchy,
Слишком много стежков, Too stitchy,
Слишком одинаковое! Too matchy!
Слишком полосатое – Too stripey –
Слишком много бирок, Too taggy,
Слишком много ремешков и бретелек, Too strappy,
Слишком мешковатое? Too baggy?
Слишком много перьев, Too feathery,
Слишком танцевальное, Too dancey,
Слишком кожаное, Too leathery,
Слишком нарядное. Too fancy.
Слишком скользкое, Too slippery,
Слишком много пятен (грязное), Too spotty,
Слишком много молний, Too zippery,
Слишком в горошек! Too…polka-dotty!
Как удобно! So Compfy!
То, что надо. Just right.

Please feel free to chime in with better translation options!


Kid Lit Blog Hop

About the Author


AnnaOriginally from Russia, Anna has a Bachelor’s in Education and Linguistics from Moscow State Pedagogical University in Moscow, and a Master’s Degree in International and Interactive Communication from University of Lille 1, IAE Business School in Lille, France. Anna speaks fluent Russian, English and French and also knows some Spanish, German, Japanese and Italian. Her education, work experience and many years of teaching and tutoring both in the actual classroom and online helps her understand the needs of students as well as the design, management and promotion of language courses, textbooks and learning materials. As a voice actor Anna has contributed many tracks to the audio components of this course and you can see her on the videos as the lead teacher. Anna is very interested is supporting and promoting the study of the Russian language, as well as introducing Russia’s language and culture to a variety of people world-wide. If you notice any issues or mistakes in the digital or audio components, are interested in reviewing Russian Step By Step Series or in purchasing large quantities, please contact Anna.View all posts by Anna →


  1. Christine

    Really interesting post! Love that you took the time and introduced the story in another language. Thanks for sharing on #KidLitBlogHop

  2. Cool Mom (Christine M.) Tech Support for Stanley & Katrina
    Cool Mom (Christine M.) Tech Support for Stanley & Katrina11-26-2014

    Lovely! How fun that you translated the book. Thanks for linking in to the KidLitBlogHop and for following Stanley & Katrina. Our gang is thrilled to make new friends! What a bio, Anna. 😀 Have a super rest of the week. Happy Thanksgiving – if you are in the US now (?)

  3. PragmaticMom

    Wow, that’s awesome that you can translate Russian on the fly! Thanks for sharing at the Kid Lit Blog Hop! I have a child like that as well … very picky! (Her blog is actually called PickyKidPix lol!)

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