All Posts Tagged Tag: ‘russian snow’
Winter and Snow Vocabulary in Russian
I thought sharing some Russian winter and snow-related vocabulary that came up with my daughter during this trip might be useful. Here are the words and phrases we either ran into or discussed because of the trip.
DSCN2433снег – snow
Снег падает с неба. – Snow is falling from the sky.
Снег лежит на земле. – Snow is on the ground.
снежинка (снежинки) – snowflake(s)
Снежинки кружатся и падают. – Snowflakes twirl and fall down.
лёд – ice
Лёд на дороге=дорога обледенела – icy road, the road is covered in ice
сосулька (и) – icicles
Снег тает. Лёд тоже тает. Сосульки тают и капают с крыш. – Snow melts. Ice also melts. Icicles melt and drip from the roofs.