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A Book Collection about Russian Winter

My oldest daughter loves reading and being read to. Right now her reading in Russian is a lot better than in English and a book is definitely a gift she always loves getting. We have been working through the Azbuka 4(Continuing with syllables) and Propisi for Preschoolers and just got some new books from our babushka from Russia to work on her Russian.

Today we got out all the books about Christmas and New Year’s that we have and I sadly realized that we only have two of them in Russian! I have some additional stories and poetry about winter in larger volumes but this was a little bit sad. I am adding more Russian winter and holiday related books for my to buy list.

So here is what we have right now

books for kids russian winter

Out of the 7 books, only 1 is in French (I know I have one more book about a Christmas angel in French but I could not locate it ), 2 in Russian ( plus some winter stories and poems in a big Collection of Stories book) and 4 in English.

Unfortunately she is much more familiar with the Christmas traditions in the US, rather than the New Year’s celebrations in Russia.

I was reminiscing about wonderful Yolka traditions, with songs, poems, Grandfather Frost ( Дед Мороз) and Snowmaiden (Снегурочка), I have researched our local Russian community for events and I was happily surprised. The Yolka celebration for kids is alive and well in the Russian immigrant community here and we are looking forward to going to one.

And to help her see the fun of Russian snowy winter I started looking at the books that I can read to her that are in Russian and are about winter (I am also trying not use more complex or with older Russian language, looking for something that can be of interest for a 4 year old).

So far thanks to this site I have a good list that not only gave me ideas for books to buy but also a lot of stories that I read from a computer together with my kids:

From 2 to 4  years old:

«Лисичка-сестричка и волк». Русская народная сказка. есть разные варианты
«Как Лиса с Овцой Волка наказали». Русская народная сказка
«Зимовье зверей». Русская народная сказка
«Снегурушка и лиса». Русская народная сказка, есть разные варианты
или «Девочка Снегурочка» – Владимир Иванович Даль
«А уже зима» — С.Г. Козлов
«Как Ослик, Ёжик и Медвежонок встречали Новый год» — С.Г. Козлов
«Новогодняя сказка» — С.Г. Козлов
«Снег пошел» — С.Г. Козлов
«Теплым тихим вечером посреди зимы» — С.Г. Козлов
«Снежный цветок» — С.Г. Козлов
«Как Ослик, Ежик и Медвежонок писали друг другу письма» — С.Г. Козлов
«Зимняя сказка» — С.Г. Козлов
«Лесная оттепель» — С.Г. Козлов
«Как ослик шил шубу» — С.Г. Козлов
«Долгим зимним вечером» — С.Г. Козлов
«Волк» — С.Г. Козлов
«Вместе с Землёй» — С.Г. Козлов
«Гусь в сапогах» — С.Г. Козлов
«Поросёнок в колючей шубке» — С.Г. Козлов
«Падал снежок. Была оттепель» — С.Г. Козлов
«Ёлка» — В.Г. Сутеев
«С Новым годом, Кеша!» — А.Е. Курляндский
«Новогодний праздник в Простоквашино» — Э. Успенский
«Из жизни Снеговиков» — А. Усачёв
«Школа Снеговиков» — А. Усачёв
«Дед Мороз из Дедморозовки» — А. Усачёв
«Чудеса в Дед морозовке» — А. Усачёв

From 4 to 7 years old or older:

«Два Мороза» есть разные варианты
«По щучьему веленью»
«Мороз Иванович» – В.Ф. Одоевский
«В гостях у Дедушки Мороза» – В.Ф. Одоевский
«Двенадцать месяцев» — С.Я. Маршак
«Снегурочка» есть разные варианты
«Проказы старухи-зимы» — К.Д. Ушинский
«Старик-годовик» — В.И. Даль
«Серебряное копытце» – П.П. Бажов
«Серая шейка» — Д.Н. Мамин-Сибиряк
«Волшебные краски» — Е. Пермяк
«Бенгальские огни» — Н.Носов
«Два брата» — Е. Шварц
«Метелица» – Мария Волынская
«Огонек Богородицы» – Олег Игорьин
«Мой дневник. Зима» — Л.Кон и Б.Щербаков
«Ёлка» — М.М.Зощенко
«На катке» — В.А. Осеева
«Друг или враг» — Михаил Садовский
«Прошлогодний снег» — Михаил Садовский
«Зима на колёсах» — Михаил Садовский
«Сухой лёд» — Михаил Садовский
«Круглый год-гладкий лёд» — Михаил Садовский
«Мороз выручил» — Михаил Садовский
«Мороз и шуба» — Михаил Садовский
«Космическая одежда» — Михаил Садовский
«Снеговая кладовая»- Михаил Садовский
«Проказы старухи-зимы» — Константин Ушинский

Looking forward to many cozy days and evenings of reading about cold Russian winter with my kids!

If you have some favourites that did not make it to this list – please let me know!

Creative Kids Culture Blog Hop

About the Author


AnnaOriginally from Russia, Anna has a Bachelor’s in Education and Linguistics from Moscow State Pedagogical University in Moscow, and a Master’s Degree in International and Interactive Communication from University of Lille 1, IAE Business School in Lille, France. Anna speaks fluent Russian, English and French and also knows some Spanish, German, Japanese and Italian. Her education, work experience and many years of teaching and tutoring both in the actual classroom and online helps her understand the needs of students as well as the design, management and promotion of language courses, textbooks and learning materials. As a voice actor Anna has contributed many tracks to the audio components of this course and you can see her on the videos as the lead teacher. Anna is very interested is supporting and promoting the study of the Russian language, as well as introducing Russia’s language and culture to a variety of people world-wide. If you notice any issues or mistakes in the digital or audio components, are interested in reviewing Russian Step By Step Series or in purchasing large quantities, please contact Anna.View all posts by Anna →

1 Comment

  1. StranaKids

    We glad to help you to find some russian books for kids.

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