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Monthly Archive for: ‘August, 2015’


What advice would you give to expectant or brand new parents who are considering raising their children in more than one language? {MKB 2015 Vlogging Chain}

Today I am sharing my first Vlogging experience as part of the Multicultural Kid Blogs Vlogging Telephone. I am answering a question […]

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August Multicultural Kid Blogs Carnival

I enjoyed the emotional and educational July carnival about Fatherhood: reflexions and feelings hosted by La Cité des Vents. August […]

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As featured of MKB: Music and Language (Paying It Forward)

I was honored to write another guest blog post for MKB about Music and Language influence in my life as I was growing up in USSR and how I am striving to expose my kids to it now as a mother of two.

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